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Selectmen's Minutes December 14, 1999
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
December 14, 1999

Present:  Judy Murdoch, Stephanie McSweeney,  Peter Jones and Dan Webster (arrived at 7:56 p.m.)  Cathy Kuchinski absent.

7:45 p.m. Vice-Chairman Judy Murdoch called the meeting to order.

Mrs. Murdoch read a letter from Dana Pierce submitting her resignation from the Recreation Commission.  

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to regretfully accept Mrs. Pierce resignation.  Vote 3 - 0.

Mrs. Murdoch announced that the Board will accept applications for the vacancy on the Recreation Commission until January 14, 2000.  

Discussed SEED Corp. request for participation in their program for grants.  Mrs. Murdoch advised the Board that this is an annual request and no funds are being requested.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to sign the participation letter.  Voted 3 - 0.

Reviewed Mass. Highway Memorandum of Agreement announcing reimbursement in the amount of $81,012.37.  Letter requests the Board’s approval and signature.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Peter Jones to sign Memorandum of Agreement from Mass. Highway.  Voted 3 - 0.

Reviewed letter from Curley & Hansen requesting Board approval of street names for new subdivision off Cross Street - Hemlock Drive and Azalea Way.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve street names.  Voted 3 - 0.

Jones River Watershed forwarded a letter requesting participation in their program.  Letter was received late this afternoon.  Mrs. Murdoch suggested tabling the matter to December 28, 1999 when all members have had an opportunity to review the letter.

Breezeway Associates forwarded a letter indicating assistance in grant writing.  Mr. Jones expressed an interest in having them at a future meeting to discuss same.  Agreed to invite Breezeway to upcoming meeting.

7:56 p.m.  Chairman Daniel Webster arrived.

Evaluation Tool discussion.  Mr. Jones explained that two training sessions had been scheduled for Wednesday, December 22nd.  One at 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and an evening session from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Mr. Hamish Blackman would be conducting the session.  All boards and employees are urged to attend.  Discussion ensued regarding the revised tool.  Mr. Jones explained that this tool is getting away from linking the performance evaluation to raises.  He suggested that  financial health of the town and the audit report are factors which must be taken into consideration with respect to raises.  Merit should be considered in determination of percentage increases as well as Wage and Personnel and Finance Committee recommendations.  Some employees have expressed concern that not everyone is utilizing the same tool and individuals are not being evaluated equally and fairly.  They have also pointed out some minor grammatical and generic issues which should be changed in the tool.  Mr. Jones indicated he had spoken with the individuals and the tool can be fine tuned to their particular job.   Discussed possible “bonus account” for employees who have done an outstanding job.  Ms. Murdoch indicated that she like Part II of the tool and thinks performance should be part of salary.  She suggested possibly adding an additional category of “Ongoing”.  Mr. Webster feels that input from Wage & Personnel is good and town comparisons are helpful but should not be engraved in stone.  Mr. Webster advised that Board that he spoke with the Finance Chairman and they would like figures are soon as possible.  Consequently the process must be completed in a timely manner.  Mr.Webster indicated that the evaluations should be done by January 15, 2000.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to accept the proposed evaluation tool as revised.  Voted 4 - 0

Police Chief indicated that due to his contract he would prefer to be evaluated using the old tool.  Mrs. Murdoch suggested using the new tool for the evaluation but the old formula for the calculations.  Mr. Webster said he would speak to the Chief.  

Executive Secretary Search Committee update was given by Mr. Webster.  The Search Committee has four candidates which they will be recommending to the Board for their consideration.  He indicated that the Search Committee would be meeting on Thursday to discuss reference checks and that the Police Department will conduct background checks upon receipt of the candidates’ authorizations.  Interviews will be scheduled for first week in January.  Mr. Webster requested the Board recommend at salary range for the position.  After a brief discussion and input from Mrs. Marini of the Search Committee, the Board agreed to a range of $60,000 to $68,000 per year.  

Fire Chief Search Committee update was given by Mrs. Murdoch.  She indicated that an ad will appear the in January issue of Fire Fighters’ Monthly.  She informed the Board that the Search Committee felt they were targeting a particular group, they would be better served advertising in the Fire Fighters’ Monthly, a nationwide periodical rather than a Boston newspaper.  Also, there was no charge for the advertising. They also advertised on the internet on-line.

Discussed the Strong Chief issue and an actual departure date of the Fire Chief.  Requested the Chief appear at the meeting on December 28th.  

Mr. Webster indicated that he had spoken to Labor Counsel about the Strong Chief Law and he will forward information to the Board.  Mr. Webster also indicated that the salary ratio has no relation to the Strong Chief Law.   The Fire Fighter’s Union has expressed their desire for a Strong Chief.  A Strong Chief has the authority to hire and fire staff.  Mrs. Murdoch indicated that the Committee is looking for a suggested salary range.  West Bridgewater Chief after ten years receives $58,767.00, Kingston after 21 years is at $60,359 with a range of $46,000 - $63,000.00 and Whitman’s Chief receives $62,159.00 and has been there for 10 years.  Mrs. Murdoch will conduct a salary survey of local departments.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Peter Jones to recess.  Voted 4 - 0  recessed at 9:05 p.m.

Reconvened at 9:16 p.m.  

Playground Committee member  Jim Armstrong was present along with School Committee member Betty O’Sullivan to discuss status on the Playground.  They advised that Board that the School Committee has approved $5,000.00 for the Playground.  The School Building Committee has $365,000 from the interest on the Bond.  The facility has been inspected and there remain very minor issues.  Volunteers, under the direction of Pam Garcia, have performed most of the work.  However, they would like to get a contractor into complete the project and open the playground.  Entrapment regulations are now 4 1/2” for openings as opposed to 6” when the playground was built.  These issues will be rectified.  Now that the Regional School District has taken over the schools, the School Department will be responsible for the general maintenance on the playground.   Mr. Jones praised that work of the volunteers, Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. O’Sullivan.  

On another issue, Mr. Webster explained a problem that developed with the contractor who had worked on both the School building project and the Town Hall project.  The School Building Committee agreed to have him work on the Town Hall project when he was not needed at the School.  Consequently, both the School Building Committee and the Town Hall Building Committee paid him.  The contractor returned that money to the Town Hall Building Committee and needed his tax information adjusted so that he would not receive both at W-2 and 1099 form.  Mr. Webster pointed out that due to the mix up there could be IRS penalties in the amount of $405.00.  Mrs. O’Sullivan indicated that the School Building Committee would take responsibility for any penalties incurred.  The Board agreed that the Town Hall Building Committee will forward the monies received back from the Contractor to the School Building Comm.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Stephanie McSweeney to send check to School Building Committee.  Voted 4 - 0.

Furnace replacement were discussed.  Mr. Webster informed that Board the one of the roof units has been shut down by the Gas Company and needs to be replace.  A second unit is similar state of repair and may be going shortly.  We are awaiting figures for the cost of replacement.  Mrs. Murdoch inquired as to the age of the units and the potential of having all six replaced.  Merry to get estimates from C & S Refrigeration.  Mr. Armstrong indicated that there is a possibility that Bay State Gas may have a rebate program for such units.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Stephanie McSweeney to adjourn.  Voted 4 - 0

Meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.